Thursday, January 28, 2010

28 Janurary 2010

Working through Natalie Goldberg's "Writing Down the Bones" has been an interesting experience to say the least. For the most part, it seems that she's of the opinion that no thoughts should go into writing at all. In fact, I shouldn't even be thinking about what I'm writing here. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't work that way. I was hoping to hear another approach by now, especially since we're starting to get into some of the more meatier parts of the book. Perhaps with practice I'll be able to fall into line in how I should be writing.

As for the chapters that were assigned for this week, I believe that there's one major theme. DETAILS. I'm not sure how many times she could elaborate on the use of details, but I get the idea. Maybe I should go into more detail, but I am willing to risk my grade for the sake of making a snarky paragraph that states how the author of the book we're reading wants us to go into detail, and then not personally go into detail... At least not in this paragraph. I hope that the Irony (and humor) isn't lost on my readers.

For the Poetry Packet, I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of poetry in general. Generally speaking, I like to think that I have a fairly accurate command of the English language, at least for someone on this side of the pond. For most of the poems we are reading however I find it difficult to actually determine what they're talking about. Perhaps that's the point however, or I'm just looking in the wrong place. The ability for a piece of work to become personal to every individual that reads it, a majority of the time being something completely different, is probably what makes poetry so moving.

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